How To Save & Earn Money With Dealspotr
It is that time of the year when we are super engaged in shopping. Be it for self, family or friends, holiday season is when we end up shopp...
It is that time of the year when we are super engaged in shopping. Be it for self, family or friends, holiday season is when we end up shopping more than ever. No wonder year end leads to huge spending. So how about saving some money and earning some money as well? Yes! It can happen with the "Wikipedia of deals" - Dealspotr. Let's learn a bit about it.
About Dealspotr
Dealspotr, launched only an year ago is a large and growing community which has the best coverage of promo codes vs Retailmenot,, Groupon, or any other coupon site. They are viewed by over 1 millions shoppers per month, and are one of the fastest-growing deal sites where shoppers saved over $15 million! The coupons, codes and deals they offer are accurate and complete. They help you save lots of money when you are shopping online or in store.
What Makes Dealspotr Different From Rest?
The best part about Dealspotr is that the content is added by the members, like you and me. When you become a member you have your own personal feed of deals just like Facebook news feed and you can subscribe to specific brands, topics, and people and curate a daily feed of deals personalized for you.
How To Become A Member At Dealspotr?
The process of becoming a member at Dealspotr is simple.
How To Save Money?
You can follow people, brands and intrerests and all the deals they have posted will be shown in your feed. You can sort deals by "hot" or "on fire" deals to see what deals other users have been taking advantage of and also find the most recent deals added to the site. Whenever you find a coupon or deal you want to make use of, just click on the deal and activate the discount or make use of the coupon code and you are good to go. Saving money is always good, isn't it?
How To Earn Money?
Now comes the best part! In addition to saving money using the coupons and deals, you can also earn gift cards using Dealspotr. On the first day itself you can earn $10 gift card and you are also helping people to save money. Whenever you post a deal, points are added. The more deals you post or validate, the better. You also earn a small amount of points for commenting and validating the deals across the site. As an influencer, you can get points based on your activity at Dealspotr and acquire Broze, Silver and Gold status. When you unlock the Gold status, you get bonus points too. For every 10,000 points, you can redeem your points for amazon giftcard. It takes 3-5 business days to process your gift card and you shall receive it in mail.
If you are a blogger, you can share deals on your blog using the deal sharing widget. Save, help and earn money using Dealspotr!
About Dealspotr
Dealspotr, launched only an year ago is a large and growing community which has the best coverage of promo codes vs Retailmenot,, Groupon, or any other coupon site. They are viewed by over 1 millions shoppers per month, and are one of the fastest-growing deal sites where shoppers saved over $15 million! The coupons, codes and deals they offer are accurate and complete. They help you save lots of money when you are shopping online or in store.
What Makes Dealspotr Different From Rest?
The best part about Dealspotr is that the content is added by the members, like you and me. When you become a member you have your own personal feed of deals just like Facebook news feed and you can subscribe to specific brands, topics, and people and curate a daily feed of deals personalized for you.
How To Become A Member At Dealspotr?
The process of becoming a member at Dealspotr is simple.
- Click on this link and create an account.
- Confirm your email address and activate your account.
- Select 3 interests and get started. You can change, edit or follow new interests whenever you like.
- The next step is to select 3 popular brands based on your interests.
- You can then check out your personalized deal feed on Dealspotr. This is where you can keep a track of deals that you may be interested in and start posting deals as well.
How To Save Money?
You can follow people, brands and intrerests and all the deals they have posted will be shown in your feed. You can sort deals by "hot" or "on fire" deals to see what deals other users have been taking advantage of and also find the most recent deals added to the site. Whenever you find a coupon or deal you want to make use of, just click on the deal and activate the discount or make use of the coupon code and you are good to go. Saving money is always good, isn't it?
How To Earn Money?
Now comes the best part! In addition to saving money using the coupons and deals, you can also earn gift cards using Dealspotr. On the first day itself you can earn $10 gift card and you are also helping people to save money. Whenever you post a deal, points are added. The more deals you post or validate, the better. You also earn a small amount of points for commenting and validating the deals across the site. As an influencer, you can get points based on your activity at Dealspotr and acquire Broze, Silver and Gold status. When you unlock the Gold status, you get bonus points too. For every 10,000 points, you can redeem your points for amazon giftcard. It takes 3-5 business days to process your gift card and you shall receive it in mail.
If you are a blogger, you can share deals on your blog using the deal sharing widget. Save, help and earn money using Dealspotr!